[netflow-tools] softflowd netflow V9 export bug

Neil nd at u4eatech.com
Tue Apr 11 22:14:50 EST 2006


> I've been looking at softflowd. I was looking at the netflowV9 export 
> , I was decoding it as CFLOW using ethereal. I noticed that ethereal 
> with telling me that it was expecting more flowsets than there 
> actually were.  I looked int netflow9.c file and found that the code 
> is incrementing the flowset count for every flow that is being sent. 
> So if, for example, you are sending a packet with a template flow set 
> and a data flow set the count should only be 2, not the number of 
> flows sent in the data flowset. This only applies to V9 of netflow. 
> The bug is pretty simple to fix.
> nf9->flows
> should only be incremented when a template flowset or data flowset is 
> added to the packet.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Neil.

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