Testers wanted

Jim Knoble jmknoble at pint-stowp.cx
Sun Aug 6 07:39:53 EST 2000

Circa 2000-Aug-05 14:06:39 -0700 dixit Gary E. Miller:

[About serving as a tester for OpenSSH...]

: Linux 2.0/libc5/ix86
: Linux 2.2/libc6/ix86
: Linux 2.4/libc6/ix86
: Linux 2.2/libc6/sparc

Gary, it's probably best if you mention what Linux distribution these
systems are.  LSB is coming along, but it's not here yet, and,
unfortunately, the differences between the distributions are still
enough that it's important to distinguish which one you mean, and
mention how each differs, if at all, from the stock installation.

Jim's USD0.02.

jim knoble | jmknoble at jmknoble.cx | http://www.jmknoble.cx/

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