bsd-snprintf.c and NeXT.

Damien Miller djm at
Thu Jan 6 19:45:10 EST 2000

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Ben Lindstrom wrote:

> I'm wonder if anyone happens to have a simplier (slower) version of
> bsd-snprintf.c.  It seems NeXT 3.3 (unsure about 4.2) is missing
> mprotect().

Someone posted one to the list a while ago, but attached is the one
from the XFree86 source. It seems to be of the same lineage.

If you can be bothered cleaning it up I can include it in the standard

> If I could get something to replace that for a while and fix some of
> theses utmp in login.c issues I may have a rough port NeXT to black
> hardware.=)


Damien Miller

- --
| "Bombay is 250ms from New York in the new world order" - Alan Cox
| Damien Miller -
| Email: djm at (home) -or- djm at (work)

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see

-------------- next part --------------
 * Original:
 * Patrick Powell Tue Apr 11 09:48:21 PDT 1995
 * A bombproof version of doprnt (dopr) included.
 * Sigh.  This sort of thing is always nasty do deal with.  Note that
 * the version here does not include floating point...
 * snprintf() is used instead of sprintf() as it does limit checks
 * for string length.  This covers a nasty loophole.
 * The other functions are there to prevent NULL pointers from
 * causing nast effects.

/* $XFree86: xc/lib/misc/snprintf.c,v 3.0 1996/08/26 06:19:23 dawes Exp $ */

#include <ctype.h>
#include "snprintf.h"

static void dopr();
static char *end;

/* varargs declarations: */

#if defined(HAVE_STDARG_H)
# include <stdarg.h>
# define HAVE_STDARGS    /* let's hope that works everywhere (mj) */
# define VA_LOCAL_DECL   va_list ap;
# define VA_START(f)     va_start(ap, f)
# define VA_SHIFT(v,t)  ;   /* no-op for ANSI */
# define VA_END          va_end(ap)
# if defined(HAVE_VARARGS_H)
#  include <varargs.h>
#  define VA_LOCAL_DECL   va_list ap;
#  define VA_START(f)     va_start(ap)      /* f is ignored! */
#  define VA_SHIFT(v,t) v = va_arg(ap,t)
#  define VA_END        va_end(ap)
# else
/*XX ** NO VARARGS ** XX*/
# endif

int snprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, ...);
int vsnprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
int snprintf ();
int vsnprintf ();

vsnprintf(str, count, fmt, args)
       char *str;
       size_t count;
       const char *fmt;
       va_list args;
       str[0] = 0;
       end = str+count-1;
       dopr( str, fmt, args );
       if( count>0 ){
               end[0] = 0;

/* VARARGS3 */
snprintf (char *str,size_t count,const char *fmt,...)
snprintf (va_alist) va_dcl
    char *str;
       size_t count;
    char *fmt;

    VA_START (fmt);
    VA_SHIFT (str, char *);
    VA_SHIFT (count, size_t );
    VA_SHIFT (fmt, char *);
    (void) vsnprintf ( str, count, fmt, ap);
       return( strlen( str ) );

 * dopr(): poor man's version of doprintf

static void fmtstr(
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
	char *value, int ljust, int len, int zpad

static void fmtnum(
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
	long value, int base, int dosign, int ljust, int len, int zpad

static void dostr(
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
	char *

static char *output;

static void dopr_outch(
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
	int c

static void
dopr( buffer, format, args )
       char *buffer;
       char *format;
       va_list args;
       int ch;
       long value;
       int longflag = 0;
       char *strvalue;
       int ljust;
       int len;
       int zpad;

       output = buffer;
       while( (ch = *format++) ){
               switch( ch ){
               case '%':
                       ljust = len = zpad = 0;
                       ch = *format++;
                       switch( ch ){
                       case 0:
                               dostr( "**end of format**" );
                       case '-': ljust = 1; goto nextch;
                       case '0': /* set zero padding if len not set */
                               if(len==0) zpad = '0';
                       case '1': case '2': case '3':
                       case '4': case '5': case '6':
                       case '7': case '8': case '9':
                               len = len*10 + ch - '0';
                               goto nextch;
                       case 'l': longflag = 1; goto nextch;
                       case 'u': case 'U':
                               /*fmtnum(value,base,dosign,ljust,len,zpad) */
                               if( longflag ){
                                       value = va_arg( args, long );
                               } else {
                                       value = va_arg( args, int );
                               fmtnum( value, 10,0, ljust, len, zpad ); break;
                       case 'o': case 'O':
                               /*fmtnum(value,base,dosign,ljust,len,zpad) */
                               if( longflag ){
                                       value = va_arg( args, long );
                               } else {
                                       value = va_arg( args, int );
                               fmtnum( value, 8,0, ljust, len, zpad ); break;
                       case 'd': case 'D':
                               if( longflag ){
                                       value = va_arg( args, long );
                               } else {
                                       value = va_arg( args, int );
                               fmtnum( value, 10,1, ljust, len, zpad ); break;
                       case 'x':
                               if( longflag ){
                                       value = va_arg( args, long );
                               } else {
                                       value = va_arg( args, int );
                               fmtnum( value, 16,0, ljust, len, zpad ); break;
                       case 'X':
                               if( longflag ){
                                       value = va_arg( args, long );
                               } else {
                                       value = va_arg( args, int );
                               fmtnum( value,-16,0, ljust, len, zpad ); break;
                       case 's':
                               strvalue = va_arg( args, char *);
                               fmtstr( strvalue,ljust,len,zpad ); break;
                       case 'c':
                               ch = va_arg( args, int );
                               dopr_outch( ch ); break;
                       case '%': dopr_outch( ch ); continue;
                               dostr(  "???????" );
                       longflag = 0;
                       dopr_outch( ch );
       *output = 0;

static void
fmtstr(  value, ljust, len, zpad )
       char *value;
       int ljust, len, zpad;
       int padlen, strlen;     /* amount to pad */

       if( value == 0 ){
               value = "<NULL>";
       for( strlen = 0; value[strlen]; ++ strlen ); /* strlen */
       padlen = len - strlen;
       if( padlen < 0 ) padlen = 0;
       if( ljust ) padlen = -padlen;
       while( padlen > 0 ) {
               dopr_outch( ' ' );
       dostr( value );
       while( padlen < 0 ) {
               dopr_outch( ' ' );

static void
fmtnum(  value, base, dosign, ljust, len, zpad )
       long value;
       int base, dosign, ljust, len, zpad;
       int signvalue = 0;
       unsigned long uvalue;
       char convert[20];
       int place = 0;
       int padlen = 0; /* amount to pad */
       int caps = 0;

       /* DEBUGP(("value 0x%x, base %d, dosign %d, ljust %d, len %d, zpad %d\n",
               value, base, dosign, ljust, len, zpad )); */
       uvalue = value;
       if( dosign ){
               if( value < 0 ) {
                       signvalue = '-';
                       uvalue = -value;
       if( base < 0 ){
               caps = 1;
               base = -base;
               convert[place++] =
                       (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")
                        [uvalue % (unsigned)base  ];
               uvalue = (uvalue / (unsigned)base );
       convert[place] = 0;
       padlen = len - place;
       if( padlen < 0 ) padlen = 0;
       if( ljust ) padlen = -padlen;
       /* DEBUGP(( "str '%s', place %d, sign %c, padlen %d\n",
               convert,place,signvalue,padlen)); */
       if( zpad && padlen > 0 ){
               if( signvalue ){
                       dopr_outch( signvalue );
                       signvalue = 0;
               while( padlen > 0 ){
                       dopr_outch( zpad );
       while( padlen > 0 ) {
               dopr_outch( ' ' );
       if( signvalue ) dopr_outch( signvalue );
       while( place > 0 ) dopr_outch( convert[--place] );
       while( padlen < 0 ){
               dopr_outch( ' ' );

static void
dostr( str )
       char *str;
       while(*str) dopr_outch(*str++);

static void
dopr_outch( c )
       int c;
       if( iscntrl(c) && c != '\n' && c != '\t' ){
               c = '@' + (c & 0x1F);
               if( end == 0 || output < end ){
                       *output++ = '^';
       if( end == 0 || output < end ){
               *output++ = c;
-------------- next part --------------
/* $XFree86: xc/lib/misc/snprintf.h,v 3.1 1996/08/26 14:42:33 dawes Exp $ */

#ifndef SNPRINTF_H
#define SNPRINTF_H

#ifdef LIBXT
#define _XtSnprintf snprintf
#define _XtVsnprintf vsnprintf
#ifdef LIBX11
#define _XSnprintf snprintf
#define _XVsnprintf vsnprintf
#else /* !HAS_SNPRINTF */

#ifdef LIBXT
#define snprintf _XtSnprintf
#define vsnprintf _XtVsnprintf
#ifdef LIBX11
#define snprintf _XSnprintf
#define vsnprintf _XVsnprintf

#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>

#if NeedVarargsPrototypes

#include <stdarg.h>
extern int snprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, ...);
extern int vsnprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
extern int snprintf ();
extern int vsnprintf ();

#endif /* HAS_SNPRINTF */

#endif /* SNPRINTF_H */

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