Higdon, David M - CNF Higdon.David at
Fri Jul 21 06:52:17 EST 2000

Did the /dev/random file start growing immeadiately or
did it take a while?


David Higdon            
UNIX System Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Friday [mailto:bfriday at]
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 1:46 PM
To: 'openssh-unix-dev at'
Subject: Re: SUNWski

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Higdon, David M - CNF wrote:

> Has anyone had success with getting /dev/random to work
> after installing SUNWski?  After I install the pkg and start /etc/
> init.d/cryptorand, the /dev/random file remains 0 bytes.
> I am running Solaris 2.8

I'm running Solaris 2.8 sun4m 32-bit and SUNWski without any problem.

I did notice that on my Sol 7 E250 Machine running in 64-bit the SUNWski
would not run. I assume this is because of the system running at 64-bit
rather than 32-bit although I haven't had the time to confirm this.


Brian Friday
Systems Administrator
La Sierra University
(909) 785-2554 x2

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