SSH1 tunneling problems.

John Fulmer jfulmer at
Thu Nov 23 02:20:58 EST 2000

I've noticed this same problemm using local forwarding via OpenSSH in SSH1
mode, both 2.3.0p1 and 2.2.0p1. The problem is that the tunnel (actually
the entire ssh session) freezes periodically if the tunnel has several TCP
connections initiated within a short period of time, and the ssh session
must be broken and restarted.

The best example is if tunneling from a browser to a HTTP proxy server on
the other end. I have the following in my ssh_config:

Host mull
	LocalForward 2143 skye:143
	LocalForward 2125 skye:25
	LocalForward 9119 skye:9119
	ForwardAgent no
	ForwardX11 no

'mull' is a gateway machine, while 'skye' is my e-mail/http proxy server.
I connect to mull, and then point my browser to "localhost port 9119" for
my HTTP proxy.

After an indeterminate amount of time, maybe 5 mintues, maybe an hour, the
ssh session will freeze, usually after many 'endpoint not connected' error
messages. The only appears to happen when using a locally forwarded port
and only if that port is loaded by multiple connections.  This problem
does not appear using SSH2, which is what I am happily using right now.

The client and server are Linux 2.2.17, although the server is a DEC Alpha
running Redhat, while the client is i386. I have also experienced this
with a i386 Linux server, running 2.2.14.



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