implementing port forward restrictions

Damien Miller djm at
Fri Nov 24 08:16:18 EST 2000

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000, michael salmon wrote:

> (this list-serv is reaaaaallllllyyy sllooowwww)

Quite so - I am in Australia, which has recently lost 60% of its 
international bandwidth to a boat anchor or somesuch.

With >2sec international RTTs, getting all the mail out takes a while :(

ETA for fix is early next week.


| ``We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on | Damien Miller -
| a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the | <djm at>
| works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, / 
| we know this is not true.'' - Robert Wilensky UCB /

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