X11 forwarding under Linux

Jim Knoble jmknoble at pint-stowp.cx
Mon Sep 11 05:34:54 EST 2000

[Mailed and posted.]

There's some discussion about this exact problem here:


The problem lies with the Linux distribution, not with OpenSSH.  An
actual fix would entail coercing the distributions that have this
problem to fix it in their shell initialization scripts (possibly by
filing bug reports).

jim knoble | jmknoble at jmknoble.cx | http://www.jmknoble.cx/

Circa 2000-Sep-10 02:04:57 -0600 dixit Jeff Baitis:

: Hello, I have been having issues with x11 forwarding using my
: linux-mandrake based servers. I checked my XAUTHORITY variable and it was
: set to ~/.Xauthority ... After reading the mail archives, I found the
: /tmp/ssh* directory created during my ssh session, and did this:
: export XAUTHORITY="/tmp/ssh-hzuA1805/cookies"
: xeyes
: ...and the X11 forwarding worked!
: I'm using the openssh-2.2.0p1-2 openssh-askpass-2.2.0p1-2
: openssh-clients-2.2.0p1-2 openssh-server-2.2.0p1-2 rpm packages.
: I look forward to running a version of openSSH-linux to have x11
: forwarding working !!!
: Please see reference to:
: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=secure-shell&m=96808107729963&w=2
: If you respond, please cc your response to baitisj at cyberdude.com as I am
: not subscribed to the mailing list.
: Thank you for your excellent software,
: Jeff
: > When you're sshed in, check the XAUTHORITY variable. It should be
: > something like /tmp/ssh-efPeK778/cookies . /etc/profile.d/xhost.sh
: > should be something like this:

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