SSH using the login binary

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at
Fri Sep 15 09:07:35 EST 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Livengood, Edward [mailto:Edward.Livengood at]
> This may not be the place to pose this question so forgive me 
> if I should
> send this somewhere else.
> I have noticed that SSH2 appears to check user's password against the
> password file without executing login.  We are using a 
> security application
> that replaces the login binary to perform its own security 
> checks on login,
> i.e.. is suspend user ids that have failed to use a 
> successful password.
> Since SSH2 doesn't use the login binary that was replaced it 
> bypasses our
> security product.  I was wondering if this would be difficult 
> to change, and
> if not where in the source code I would have to go to make 
> such a change?

Now I'm not an expert, bus isn't this what the "UseLogin" parameter in
sshd_config is supposed to do?  The man page for sshd has more information.

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