openssh-2.3.0p1, Krb5 and rdist

Simon Wilkinson sxw at
Tue Apr 17 20:24:32 EST 2001

> Krb5-authentication and Kerb5-TGT-passing is working well with 
> openssh-2.3.0p1.
> Question: Is there a solution using rdist -P "/usr/local/bin/ssh" without the 
> need for RhostRSAAuthentication, RSAAuthentication or using the Kerberos 
> r-command set?

If you've got Kerberos authentication correctly set up and the principal
you're using maps to the local user you're accessing, this should just work.

You'll need to kinit before running rdist, and after that you should not
need to enter a password until your credentials expire.



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