OpenSSH-3.0.2p1 and Linux libc5

Dan Kaminsky dan at
Wed Dec 26 15:23:45 EST 2001

> > #ifndef TCP_NODELAY
> > #define TCP_NODELAY 1
> > #endif
> It's a rather big assumption that TCP_NODELAY is going to be 1 on every
> platform that doesn't have it in its headers.

Fair enough.  The alternative is to surround lines 1211-1213 in packet.c
(the only place in the codebase where TCP_NODELAY is actually used) w/ a
simple #ifdef TCP_NODELAY.  Somehow, I suspect though that libc5 builds of
the Linux kernel still respect 1 as the value for TCP_NODELAY.  Regardless,
our top priority is to make sure the app compiles and works -- and I've been
more concerned than most about SSH's performance.

If it won't compile, it performs pretty terribly :-)


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