fatal compile error on SGI IRIX

Tom Holroyd tomh at po.crl.go.jp
Tue May 1 18:14:19 EST 2001

IRIX64 6.5 01101245 IP27

20010425 CVS
 - (djm) Include crypt.h if available in auth-passwd.c

cc-1143 cc: ERROR File = /usr/include/crypt.h, Line = 38
  Declaration is incompatible with
          "void des_encrypt(unsigned long *, struct des_ks_struct *, int)"
          (declared at line 150 of "/usr/local/ssl/include/openssl/des.h").

  extern void des_encrypt(char *, int);

1 error detected in the compilation of "auth-passwd.c".
*** Error code 2 (bu21)

It seems SGI's libcrypt includes a version of des_encrypt() that isn't the
same as Openssl's.  This is part of the crypt(3X) package.  Removing the
#include <crypt.h> makes the error go away.

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