"ksh: scp: not found"

John Stile jstile at ohlone.cc.ca.us
Thu May 10 05:24:14 EST 2001

I upgraded a compiled version of ssh-1.2.27 to a swinstalled depot of
OpenSSH_2.5.1p1 on HPUX-11.00.
I created links in /usr/local/bin/<ssh program> pointing to
/opt/openssh2/bin/<ssh program>.
Ssh works.  Scp does not.  HP support does not support ssh.  
Below the line you will find the output of a verbose scp command from
the server to it self.

scp -v text.txt jstile at HPUXserver:~/test.txt
Executing: program /opt/openssh2/bin/ssh host HPUXserver, user jstile,
command scp -v -t ~/test.txt
jstile at HPUXserver's password: 
Permission denied, please try again.
jstile at HPUXserver's password: 
ksh: scp:  not found
lost connection

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