2.9p1 ssh-add/ssh-askpass first try fails

John Dunlap dunlap at apl.washington.edu
Fri May 11 11:44:48 EST 2001

Here's what works: 

make and install the main part of the 2.9p1 without the patch
from clean distro:

tar xfz openssh-2.9p1.tar.gz
cd openssh-2.9p1
./configure --with-pam --enable-gnome-askpass --with-tcp-wrappers
make install

Then, patch readpass.c:
	-	len = read(p[0], buf, sizeof buf);
	+	len = atomicio(read, p[0], buf, sizeof buf);

make clean
(don't install now)
cd contrib
cc `gnome-config --cflags gnome gnomeui` \
    gnome-ssh-askpass.c -o gnome-ssh-askpass \
   `gnome-config --libs gnome gnomeui`
cp gnome-ssh-askpass /usr/local/libexec/ssh-askpass

Now it works.

-- John

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