OpenSSH GSSAPI patches

Simon Wilkinson sxw at
Fri May 18 22:32:46 EST 2001

An updated version of my GSSAPI patches for OpenSSH 2.9p1 is finally 
available from

These patches fix a bug with the hash calculation which will break 
interoperation with earlier versions - sorry!

This release supports both Kerberos and GSI (thanks to Von Welch for the GSI 
support) mechanisms, and the code in it has now been widely tested and 
reviewed. I'd like it to be considered for inclusion in the OpenSSH codebase.

Thanks to Chris Chiappa, Bill Fithen, John Kilburg, Daniel Kouril, Dan 
Russell and Von Welch for their suggestions and patches.

Simon Wilkinson            <simon at>
"Beware of bugs in the above code: I have only proved it correct, not tried
it." - Donald Knuth 

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