disable port forwarding in OpenSSH

Alexey Koptsevich alex at astro.su.se
Thu Sep 20 06:37:07 EST 2001


> Many people have successfully used custom restricted shells that only
> allow one or a small number of commands to be run upon login - you
> shouldn't have a problem with that.

Can running sshd with chroot (to the directory which does not contain
anything but mail folders and executables/libraries needed for sshd and
mail programs) be considered more secure than running custom shell or not?
I use FreeBSD.

> In the case of pine, be sure to disable the ability to jump to a shell in
> the fixed config file, usually /usr/local/etc/pine.conf.fixed.
> (echo 'feature-list=no-enable-suspend' >> /usr/local/etc/pine.conf.fixed)

Thanks! But if no shell -- no ability, right?

> Also be aware that pine has an awful history of security problems,
> exploitable buffer overruns, etc, and that it would probablly be pretty
> easy for a malicious user to send himself a message that would cause his
> pine to jump to a shell....  Maybe you want to consider mutt with
> pine-like bindings instead....



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