[Patch] Improve portability of regression tests - version 2

Roumen.Petrov at skalasoft.com Roumen.Petrov at skalasoft.com
Thu Jul 25 23:22:00 EST 2002

  OpenBSD patch: 

About new patch:
- "echo -n ..." is relpased with "echon" function
- "id -n..." changed witch "whoami"
- "md5sum" in stderr-after-eof.sh => "openssl md5"
- Makefile is more common (not only for pmake)
- AuthorizedKeysFile is "$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys_test_$USER" and new 
variable AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE is defined (fix  problem with directory 
- test "sshd_config" contain line: "Subsystem    sftp    $SFTPSERVER" -  
point to newbuild.

Tips for portable version:
a.) get regress from openbsd cvs: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d 
anoncvs at anoncvs.be.openbsd.org:/cvs get src/regress/usr.bin/ssh
b.) apply patch
c.) get portable from cvs
d.) replace conntent of regress directory with content of openbsd (see 
point a.)
e.) patch portable "Makefile.in" with 
f.) run:
 ./configure [options]
make tests

- (sample): make tests LTESTS="sftp regress" with run all targets t1-t7 
defined in regress Makefile plus only "sftp.sh" and "regress.sh" tests. 
Work around is to move commands from makefile to shell scripts.
- first argument of "test-exec.sh" must be absolute path otherwise 
script (I too) cannot found pidfile.

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