just curious

Todd T. Fries todd at fries.net
Fri Jun 14 05:21:40 EST 2002

What is the expected behavior wrt ipv6 on Linux?  My brother is trying to
use sshd to bind to things and without '-6' on the commandline, it doesn't
do any ipv6, even if 'ListenAddress ::' is listed in sshd_config.  Also,
with '-6', it receives ipv4 requests as well.

This behavior is definately different from OpenBSD .. all addresses listed
in sshd_config are used, and with none listed, it defaults to
'' and '::' .. the '-6' limits connections to ipv6 only.

Todd Fries .. todd at fries.net

(last updated $ToddFries: signature.p,v 1.2 2002/03/19 15:10:18 todd Exp $)

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