OpenSSH 3.4p1 - compilation problem on Linux

Craig Emery craig.emery at
Fri Jun 28 01:12:31 EST 2002

Hash: SHA1

Well I can garauntee(sp?) the hostname forever (it changes if I have to 
reboot my cable-modem but that doesn't happen often) but my signed 
RedHat 7.2 RPMs etc are at:


Darren Tucker wrote:
> Christian Vogel wrote:
>>The question is if it is wise to grab such security
>>sensitive things like the ssh-server from just somewhere...?
>>On the other hand it should be made very easy for people
>>to upgrade, and maybe some people don't want to rpm -ba/--rebuild
>>or don't even hava a compiler on their web/dns/... server?
>>Is there some official policy encouraging<sp?> people
>>to contrinute binaries... or to refrain from it?
> This in no way constitutes policy, official or otherwise, but:
> I contributed the scripts to allow anyone to build AIX native packages.
> I later started to offer pre-packaged binaries. I recommend people don't
> use them and build their own instead (and it says so, right on the
> download page), but I offer them because:
> a) I can. I have to build the packages anyway, putting them up is little
> effort.
> b) The previous source (Bull Freeware) seems to have stopped offering
> updates. Their latest offering is 3.0.2p1. I'd rather have people
> running my 3.4p1 packages than someone else's 3.0.2p1.
> c) I've offered them to a couple of people and they accepted.
> The binaries have detached gpg signatures to mitigate the risk of
> third-party tampering.  (Obviously it doesn't stop first party tampering
> :-)  To date, they've been downloaded from 9 distinct IPs; 2 of those
> also downloaded the signatures.
> So wise or not, people seem to do it.

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