ssh-keygen (+kerberos +afs) opens NULL filename

mho mho at
Thu Oct 17 09:19:26 EST 2002

In message <Pine.OSF.4.44.0210161637140.315366-100000 at>, =?iso
-8859-2?Q?Martin_MOKREJ=A9?= writes:

>Juest tried kerberos without afs and still crashes. So, --with-kerberos4
>is the cause. Once more - KTH KRB4-1.2 from

What OpenSSL version are you using, and how is it compiled?
(I think I saw similar things a while ago when I had tried to
compile a 64-bit OpenSSL).

Is the OpenSSL compiled with the same compiler you are using for

Is your krb4-1.2 linked against OpenSSL?

    - mho

(Who is currently at the stage (on sun4x_58) where ssh protocol 1
seems to work OK with krb5 tickets but proto 2 does strange things
with KRB5CCNAME and requires password/key to log in:-))

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