Determining Local IP Address within .profile

Mario Paumann mario.paumann at
Wed Sep 4 23:41:45 EST 2002

Hi !

I haven't found an easy solution to determine the local IP to which the remote SSH client is connected to the local SSHD. We use MC/Serviceguard which can create many Interfaces where a remote client could connect and we like to know within .profile which interface the client has connected to.

I've looked at the sourcecode and maybe the following could do something I described :

session.c:871 RCSID("$OpenBSD: session.c,v 1.142 2002/06/26 13:49:26 deraadt Exp $");

        child_set_env(&env, &envsize, "SSH_LOCAL_IP", get_local_ipaddr(packet_get_connection_in());     

what do you think of it ?

thanx, mario

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