Fedora FC1 RPMs

Jason McCormick jason at devrandom.org
Thu Dec 18 02:01:22 EST 2003

  I've spent the morning looking at making some RPMs for Fedora Core 1 
and run into a problem with GSSAPI.  Basically the default install of 
Fedora doesn't come with the necessary gssapi code to build the RPMs by 
default (i.e. you need to say %define kerberos5 0 in openssh.spec).  
Since Fedora is going to fork off from RedHat I was going to create a 
set of patches to make a contrib/fedora for RPM building on Fedora but 
wasn't sure if it'd be more appropriate to make it not build Kerberos5 
by default or make the proper packages for gssapi required.

Jason McCormick
jason at devrandom.org
GPG Key: http://www.devrandom.org/gpgkey.php

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