logging command line execs

Peter Stuge stuge-openssh-unix-dev at cdy.org
Wed May 7 17:12:53 EST 2003

On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 12:47:09AM -0700, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> As part of a local change, we like to authlog the commands executed via 
> command line, i.e.:

For Linux, this is nice.

--8<-- http://freshmeat.net/projects/snoopy_logger/ --
Snoopy is designed to aid the task of a sysadmin by providing a log of
commands executed. Snoopy is completely transparent to the user and
applications. It is linked into programs to provide a wrapper around calls
to execve(). Logging is done via syslogd and written to authpriv, allowing
secure offsite logging of activity.


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