problems with 3.7.1p1 on IRIX (again)

Victoria Pennington v.pennington at
Wed Sep 17 22:59:46 EST 2003


I've seen a few messages re. problems with 3.7.1p1 on IRIX 6.5...
I'm using 6.5.19 and having no trouble compiling, installing and
starting, but sshd just closes the connection with no explanation.
debug/verbose modes don't seem to give any clues.

Darren Tucker suggested defining BROKEN_GETADDRINFO in config.h,
but I find that compilation then fails (assuming I've implemented this

Has anyone had any success yet?


Victoria Pennington
Manchester Computing, Kilburn Building,
University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL
tel. 0161 275 6830, email: v.pennington at

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