How create multiples ssh on same host without asking same password

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Wed Aug 4 20:44:12 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 19:12 +0200, Markus Friedl wrote:
> no, it's better to do it this way
> 	Host foo
> 		ControlMaster yes
> 		ControlPath /wathever/you/want
> 	Host bar
> 		ControlPath /wathever/you/want
> so after 
> 	ssh foo
> you can use
> 	ssh bar
> to connect to foo via the first connection.

So then you set CVS_RSH, RSYNC_RSH, IMAP_RSH etc. to a shell script
which tries to detect whether a master is already running, and changes
from foo to bar if it is? That's _vile_ :)

Surely it's better to do it this way:

	Host *
		ControlMaster auto
		ControlPath ~/.ssh-sockets/%h-%p-%u


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