Time to add exponential backoff for SSH interactive login failures?

Jay Libove libove at felines.org
Fri Dec 17 13:01:53 EST 2004

I'm accustomed to systems where even the first failed login attempt
incurs a 5 second delay.  I don't think that's too harsh, but everyone
has their own needs and considerations.  This could be made

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Jones [mailto:rick.jones2 at hp.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 8:09 PM
To: Jay Libove
Cc: openssh-unix-dev at mindrot.org
Subject: Re: Time to add exponential backoff for SSH interactive login

> Discussion, pros/cons?

I think it would be good to be a triffle more gentle on the honest but 
fumble-fingered and only start the backoff after say the third failed 
login attempt.

rick jones

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