PermitRootLogin issues

Stephen Roylance Stephen.Roylance at
Mon Mar 22 11:42:27 EST 2004

I'm currently experiencing the issue laid out in this thread from last year:

The discussion that ensued resulted in a number of ideas on how best to 
'fix' this issue.  The two that seemed most reasonable were:
1. implement a pubkey-only option to PermitRootLogin that would only 
allow root to login using pubkey authentication.
2. implement a more flexible arrangement where a list of allowed 
authentication methods could passed to PermitRootLogin.

I looked through the code and it seems that both are straightforward to 
code, but obviously 1 is much less work.  I coded up an implemetation of 
pubkey-only that works for me, and it's attached.  I'm willing to work 
on option 2, but since that's quite a bit more work, I'd like some 
assurance that that is the _right_ way before I start on it.

I think some solution needs to be merged ASAP.  I've seen the 
recommendation to use without-password if root logins for scripting must 
be allowed in various security docs.  With more sites using PAM and 
non-typical authentication methods (LDAP, winbind), it can be a nasty 
shock (or worse, completely unnoticed) to an administrator when that 
option doesn't work as they expect.

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