RedHat forks OpenSSH?

Theo de Raadt deraadt at
Tue Nov 9 18:29:50 EST 2004

> > Personally, I'm furious at the lawyers who are frankly lying about CSS 
> > being anything close to a trade secret every time they send a C&D.  But 
> > they *are* sending C&D's.  And Redhat apparently got one. 
> Did they? They haven't said a word.
> Even if they did, it is pretty stupid of them to buckle at the first
> hint of a threat. If we, a much smaller, non-commercial project had
> caved like this, then you wouldn't have the luxury of typing "ssh" to
> run ssh (cf.'s trademark threats against us in 2000).

Damien is right.

Have you guys forgotten what I went through to give the world
free SSH usage?

If I had buckled you all would still be using Telnet.

Whoever at Redhat made this decision is a spineless twit, and
I am being polite.

Whever at Redhat made this decision should immediately stop
using OpenSSH.  Come on.  Spineless twat, stop using it.  You
suck.  You are food for lawyers.

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