X11 forwarding and session multiplexing

Iain Morgan imorgan at nas.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 1 06:42:24 EST 2005


A user has noticed that X11 forwarding does not appear to work when using session
multiplexing.  It seems that the DISPLAY environment variable is not getting
set in the slave sessions.

Any thought? The ~/.ssh/config ib below.

Host somehost-master
	ControlMaster		yes
	ControlPath		~/.ssh/somehost.sock
	HostbasedAuthentication	no
	HostName		somehost

Host somehost-slave
	ControlPath		~/.ssh/somehost.sock

Host *
	Ciphers			blowfish-cbc,aes128-cbc
	ForwardAgent		no
	ForwardX11		yes
	ServerAliveInterval	300

Iain Morgan

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