[PATCH] controlling remote port forwarding over control path

Torsten Foertsch torsten.foertsch at gmx.net
Sat Mar 5 04:29:19 EST 2005


the attached patch implements adding and canceling of remote port
forwardings by communicating with a running ssh client via a control

Thus, one can do this:

  ssh -MNfS ~/.ssh/ctl remotehost

and then:

  ssh -S ~/.ssh/ctl -O add-rforward 2000:forward:80 localhost

to add a new remote forwarding or

  ssh -S ~/.ssh/ctl -O cancel-rforward localhost:2000 localhost

to remove it.

The patch is against openssh-SNAP-20050302 so the new fine tuned 
forwarding code is already contained.

While working on the patch a few questions/inconveniences have emerged:

1) why is mux_command in ssh.c not part of Options?

2) the current implementation allows -O to occur only once. So, to add 
or remove multiple channels ssh has to be called multiple times. Would 
it make sense to extend the code to allow it to occur multiple times?

  ssh -S ~/.ssh/ctl \
      -O add-rforward 2000:forward:80 \
      -O add-rforward 2001:forward:80 \

3) permitted_opens in channels.c is a real problem. The current code 
allocates a new element from the end of this array while adding a new 
forwarding. But when the forwarding is cancelled the element is not 
really freed. It is marked somehow to be not in use but the current 
code cannot reuse it.

4) again permitted_opens. channel_request_rforward_cancel() identifies 
the local side of a forwarding only by 
permitted_opens[i].host_to_connect and permitted_opens[i].listen_port. 
Since a forwarding is really a quadruple this looks a little fragile to 
me. In fact you can try to remove a forwarding by specifying only a 
port number

  ssh -S ~/.ssh/ctl -O cancel-rforward 2000 localhost

This matches an element of permitted_opens and resets it but it does not 
match an open channel at the server side. So the listening socket is 
not closed. Now when someone tries to connect to that port the server 
forwards the connection to the client. Here it does not match an 
element of permitted_opens. Hence

  WARNING: Server requests forwarding for unknown listen_port 2000

is printed and the connection is closed.

I have not yet changed this behaviour because it is the same code that 
is used when adding or canceling forwardings with the ssh command line 
("~C", then "-R2000:forward:80", then "~C", then "-KR2000" yields the 
same result). But I think it's rather a bug than a feature.

Doesn't it make more sense to represent forwardings as quadruples 
(remotehost, remoteport, localhost, localport) also at the client side?

5) I think I have to implement -O add-lforward and -O cancel-lforward, 

6) Also -O list-forwards would be useful, wouldn't it?

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