X forwarding: trying to forward to busy local port

Lars Kruse kruse at silicann.com
Wed Feb 14 23:54:05 EST 2007


> > Could it be, that the return value of the DISPLAY setting does not
> > depend on the acquired sockets for now? (always returning an ip4
> > address)
> For X11UseLocalhost=yes it always uses a string of "localhost" 
> (session_setup_x11fwd in session.c).
uh - that sounds ugly for a future transition to ipv6, right?

> Potentially it could either get the address family from 
> x11_create_display_inet, or maybe call getsockname on the socket and use 
> that (provided "::1:0" is a valid display name, I have no idea if X 
> would choke on that).
I just tried the following:
  DISPLAY=:::30.0 xterm
This works for me  - the original DISPLAY setting was "localhost:30.0".

> The wrinkle is that some xlibs (or xauths?) do special things with the 
> string "localhost", eg map it to a Unix domain socket.
Do you know where this should get fixed?

From my point of view, the current situation can be very frustrating
for administrators of ssh-X-tunneling remote desktop servers, due to
these seemingly randomly occurring failures.
I went through the bug database, but I could not find a related report.
Should I file a bug report for this behaviour?

regards and thanks for your time,

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