BUG?: Assigning a Perl script as user shell + sending commands on ssh connect
Brandon Simmons
brandon.m.simmons at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 08:30:03 EST 2007
This is sort of a strange issue. But I am experimenting with ways to
have a user log in and be presented with a perl script to interact
with. When I do either or both of the following:
1) set the user's shell to /usr/bin/myperlscript
2) specify ForceCommand /usr/bin/myperlscript, applied to my user
...I get strange behavior when a command is appended to the client
connect command in this way:
ssh -l user ls /etc
The output from the perl script is not printed immediately but waits
for a carriage return from the user before it is printed to the
screen> Here is an example using a test perl script:
me at computer:~$ ssh -l user /bin/bash
user at's password:
echo "I'm typing this line while the script seems not to be running"
here we go!
enter something:
YOU SAID: echo "I'm typing this line while the script seems not
to be running"
You can see that what I type is taken as <STDIN> by the script, so I
guess the output is stuck in a buffer somewhere. not sure if this is a
bug in OpenSSH or a perl oddity. Or maybe I really shouldn't be
setting my user's shell to be a script.
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