Openssh + AFS, ssh-key login working

Rainer Laatsch Laatsch at
Sun Jun 8 10:17:53 EST 2008

SSH key login and finally getting an AFS token can be made working like 
this. It uses the feature of the shell to include a .bashrc or .kshrc
upon every reexec of the shell.

- move all .profiles to a public subdir ( $HOME/public ) ;
   AFS acl's "system:anyuser rl"
- make links from $HOME/ to these ->  $HOME/public/
- move authorized_keys from .ssh/ to  $HOME/public/authorized_keys 
- make link .ssh/authorized_keys  to  $HOME/public/authorized_keys
- for $HOME and $HOME/.ssh, the acl's "§LOGNAME all system:anyuser none"
   may be left like that (no change whatever).
Thats all for the setup.

Have a key made:
- ssh-keygen  -N '' ...  (say into .ssh/id_rsa)
- cat .ssh/ >> $HOME/public/authorized_keys

This is the point: Add in front of your .bashrc / .kshrc
# ---
[ "$PAGSHDONE" ==""] &&
       export PAGSHDONE=true &&
         exec /usr/afsws/bin/pagsh -c "exec $SHELL"
[ "$TOKENDONE" == "" ] &&
       export TOKENDONE=true &&
         /opt/krb5/bin/gssklog    # or aklog, whatever

Now always ssh to $host in 2 steps:

  scp /tmp/krb5cc_$uid $host  &&
       ssh $host

To remedy the case of leftover tickets, the end of your .bashrc / .kshrc 
may read
# ---
tty -s || kdestroy  #throw away when interactive; does not influence scp

Best regards,
Rainer Laatsch

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