Command-based ssh_config declarations

petesea at petesea at
Fri Mar 7 11:06:04 EST 2008

How difficult would it be to enhance the client ssh_config file to allow 
command-based declarations similar to that provided by the "Host" keyword?

The main reason I need something like this is when ssh is used via CVS and 
Subversion.  I want all CVS/Subversion traffic to use a different SSH port 
and different authentication options.

So... you might have an ssh_config file that contained:

   Command '* cvs server' '* svnserve -t'
     Port 2200
     Protocol 2
     BatchMode yes
     PasswordAuthentication no
     PubkeyAuthentication yes

Where the string matched against the pattern is the complete command line 
passed to the ssh client.

This would allow all CVS traffic to use one setting, but normal SSH 
traffic to the same host could use different settings.

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