attemptin to port some parts of openssh to cris arch (linux)

Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn cristian.ionescu-idbohrn at
Tue May 27 08:55:03 EST 2008

Please Cc:, as I'm not subscribed to the list.

I'm trying to port openssh to embedded cris arch.  Mainly interested
in sftp-server, but I managed to crossbuild most apps:

273564 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/ssh
 58388 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/sftp
312616 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/sshd
 31536 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/sftp-server
 53856 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/ssh-agent
 83560 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/ssh-add
178388 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/ssh-keyscan
186256 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/ssh-keysign
104508 2008-05-27 00:15 openssh/ssh-keygen

with not too much effort :)  Thing is we use a slightly stripped openssl
and consequently ran into some small problems.  The patch works around
those problems and cleans up some warnings too.  If anyone can do a better
thing of the patch, that would be great.  I can try to provide as much
info as I can, should anyone be interested.


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