[PATCH] accept SOCKS request over the mux socket

Salvador Fandino sfandino at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 5 00:13:01 EST 2009


The attached patch extends the mux listener to accept SOCKS requests in 
addition to the native mux commands.

The rationale behind is that creating tunnels attached to TCP ports is a 
security hazard in multi-user machines where there is no way to control 
who connects through the tunnels. On the other hand, The mux UNIX domain 
socket binds to the file system and regular permissions can be used for 
access control.

I have also created a small Perl script "snc", similar to netcat, that 
uses this new feature. In the end, if this patch gets accepted, my idea 
is to extend my Perl module Net::OpenSSH to use it.

Under the hood, the code I have added just looks at the first byte 
coming from the mux connection. When it is a mux command, it corresponds 
to the first byte for the packet length encoded as a 32bits integer in 
network order and so, it is 0 (packet length is limited to 256KB). When 
it is a SOCKS connection the first byte is 4 or 5 so we can easyly 
distinguish both protocols.

I know it is somewhat hacky, but the alternatives I see are:

1) to use a dedicated socket for the SOCKS proxy

2) to extend the mux "protocol" with new commands offering equivalent 

I don't like (1) because, IMO, it would unnecessarily complicate ssh 
usage. I don't like (2) because adapting a SOCKS client to use a UNIX 
socket instead of a TCP one, should be much easier than implementing a 
new protocol.


- Salva
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