Disabling remote commands, provide shell only

Wout Mertens wmertens at cisco.com
Sat Aug 21 00:09:31 EST 2010

Hi all,

If you specify this perl script as a ForceCommand, users will not be able to run commands (or scp) remotely, only login.

Probably no-one will have a use for this but I thought I'd share because it shows how to run a shell as a login shell from a ForceCommand.


use strict;

# Give the user a shell if that was their intention
if (exists $ENV{SSH_TTY} && not exists $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}) {
	# Find out what their shell is
        my @pw = getpwuid($<);
        my $shell = $pw[8] || '/bin/sh';
	# Run it as a login shell
        exec { $shell } '-sh' ;
} else {
        print STDERR "Remote commands disabled, please login instead.\n";

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