feature request

Cyrille Lefevre cyrille.lefevre-lists at laposte.net
Tue Feb 8 20:41:21 EST 2011

Le 08/02/2011 01:41, Iain Morgan a écrit :
> On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 15:56:29 -0600, Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how about to provide a simple way to forward raw file descriptors
>> through ssh tunnels.
>> something which may provide a way to write something like :
>> (echo 3; read>  out3) |&
>> exec 3<&p 4>&p
>> echo 5>| out5
>> exec 5<>  out5
>> echo 1 |
>> ssh -d 3:rd -d 4:wr -d 5:rw '
>> 	read<&3; echo $REPLY>&4
>> 	read; echo $REPLY
>> 	read<&5; echo $REPLY>&5
>> '>  out1
>> the expected result is 1 in out1, 3 in out3 and 5\n5 in out5.
>> PS : hope the sample is right :-)
> What problem are you hoping to solve with this?

the ability to have more than the 3 standard file descriptors in remote 
shell scripting.

a common case I use is :

exec 9>&1

where script output its result on fd 1, error messages of fd 2 and 
informational messages on fd 9. don't ask why, it's like that.

thing impossible through ssh w/o playing w/ something to multiplex 
standard file descriptors through fd 2 using fifos, tags and loops.


I've tryed netpipesw/o success and even if that worked, that will 
require to have netpipes on every host which is not possible in my 
production environment.


Cyrille Lefevre
mailto:Cyrille.Lefevre-lists at laposte.net

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