A possible typo in sshd(8) ?

Tevfik Karagulle tevfik.karagulle at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 23:22:25 EST 2011

     *AuthorizedKeysFile* specifies the file containing public keys for public
     key authentication; if none is specified, the default is
     *~/.ssh/authorized_keys*.  Each line of the file contains one key (empty
     lines and lines starting with a `#' are ignored as comments).  Protocol 1
     public keys consist of the following space-separated fields: options,
     bits, exponent, modulus, comment.  Protocol 2 public key consist of:
     options, keytype, base64-encoded key, comment.  The options field is
     optional; its presence is determined by whether the line starts with a
     number or not (the options field never starts with a number).  The bits,
     exponent, modulus, and comment fields give the RSA key for protocol
     version 1; the comment field is not used for anything (but may be
     convenient for the user to identify the key).  For protocol version 2 the
     keytype is ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp256'', ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp384'',
     ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'', ``ssh-dss'' or ``ssh-rsa''.

last line: ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 -???-> ecdsa-sha2-nistp512


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