Bug 396 - sshd orphans processes when no pty allocated

Onur Cenk otokan at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 18:13:10 EST 2011

Hello everyone,

I've look at the latest nightly snapshot but I could find this bug is
fixed on the source code. Is there any progression to fix that issue.

This bug is open for almost 10 years, come on guys :)

>List:       openssh-unix-dev
>Subject:    Re: killing remote commands
>From:       HAUTREUX Matthieu <matthieu.hautreux () cea ! fr>
>Date:       2010-10-21 10:09:06
>Message-ID: 4CC01142.90108 () cea ! fr
>[Download message RAW]
>you are right, this sounds like an old problem. I can redirect you to
>this thread
>and this bug https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=396 in which
>it is discussed and a patch proposed for 4.6p1. I think that modifying
>the proposed patch for the latest version should be straightforward.
>IMHO, having the proposed option "RemoteCommandCleanup" in the main
>branch would be really interesting/necessary.
>Flavien a écrit :
>> Dear ssh gurus,
>> Here's the version I'm testing on :
>> flavien :/$ ssh -V
>> OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4, OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009
>> I launch a remote command :
>> flavien$ ssh -o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-control localhost 'echo \
>> pid:$$ ...sleeping...; sleep 2803' flavien at localhost's password:
>> pid:11565 ...sleeping...
>> On another shell, I kill the ssh client :
>> flavien$ ssh -o ControlPath=/tmp/ssh-control -O exit localhost
>> Exit request sent.
>> flavien$
>> The ssh client is killed in the original terminal. Fine. However, the
>> shell at the other end is not killed :
>> flavien$ ps -ef | grep 2803
>> flavien  11565     1  0 10:37 ?        00:00:00 bash -c echo pid:$$ ...sleeping...; \
>> sleep 2803 flavien  11566 11565  0 10:37 ?        00:00:00 sleep 2803
>> If the remote process is an interactive shell, however, it is killed
>> once the ssh client terminates. I suspect that's because the shell
>> gets an EOF on its stdin. Is this true ?
>> For reading this ml for a few years, I have in mind some sort of
>> "signal forwarding" feature that would send a SIGINT to the remote
>> processes. Am I making this up ?
>> TIA,
>> Flavien.
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