Strange behaviour of ssh

Lukas Razik linux at
Mon Nov 7 22:28:33 EST 2011

Hello together!

I've Debian 6.0.3 with OpenSSH_5.5p1 and problem with the execution of remote commands via ssh.
It seems as if the first command isn't looked up in all "$PATH" dirs.

Here normally I should get the version information of mpirun twice but the first one fails:
$ ssh cluster2 mpirun --version ; mpirun --version
bash: mpirun: command not found
mpirun (Open MPI) 1.4.3

Here I should get the place of "mpirun" twice but the first "which" doesn't find an "mpirun" and prints nothing:
$ ssh cluster2 which mpirun ; which mpirun

The echo command prints the right "$PATH":
$ ssh cluster2 echo "$PATH"

So, does anyone of you have an idea what there could be wrong?
And does anyone know which shell scripts are loaded remotely by ssh?
Is it .bashrc or .profile or/and another one?

Many thanks for any answer!


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