Full replay logs of OpenSSH sessions

Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 16:20:59 EST 2012

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Peter Stuge <peter at stuge.se> wrote:
> Richard Hartmann wrote:
>> By doing things in the background so to speak, i.e. ssh directly,
> ssh doesn't really have much to do with this.
> Maybe you can use http://sourceforge.net/projects/snoopylogger/

"In the background" is the problem. Richard wants to want tio embed a
recording keystroke monitor in SSH itself, which is anathema to the
very concept of a secure encryption channel. Such a tools is an
exceedingly dangerous one, cnrouraging surrpititious use of SSH to
localhost monitoring.

I've already pointed him to the man-in-the-middle tools from Sandstorm
Enterprises, and the logging shells provided by Centrify. I really
don't think SSH servers are a good place to put this: protecting the
recorded data from inappropriate access or unauthorzed recording,
especially with tunneled SSH sessions, becomes an open source security
nightmare very quickly.

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