how to speed up OpenSSH command execution (and a speed analysis)

Ángel González keisial at
Mon Mar 26 08:27:11 EST 2012

On 25/03/12 21:51, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> - When the FIRST time, I execute a command, -t is NOT used,... then
> speed stays at the boring 0.045s.
> - For subsequent tries (with the same Control Master)... it doesn't
> matter whether -t is used or not,.. it stays at around 0.045s.
> I) Something seems to be fishy there, given that it
>    * depends on the FIRST command executed using -t
>    * while most other options get "fix" by starting the ControlMaster
>      the -t option seem to be not "set" by it.
> II) With -t (and ControlMaster) you can speed up SSH dramatically
> (effectively making NRPE absolutely useless).
Maybe your nrpe command behaves differently if it is run with a
pseudo-terminal ?
I don't know why it would be slower the second time, but perhaps it
could be detecting
that it an "already used terminal" and trying to clean that (opening yet
terminal? creating a new process group?), which end up being expensive.

What are the results when you employ a different command?

I open the master with:
 SSH_ASKPASS=true ssh -f -o ControlMaster=yes
-oControlPath=/tmp/localhost -M localhost -N

Then run
 time  ssh  -oControlPath=/tmp/localhost localhost true
 time  ssh -t  -oControlPath=/tmp/localhost localhost true

I get about 0m0.008s for the non-tty case and 0m0.009s with -t
(with some deviations, there are -t of 0.008s and yet in some cases it
is up to 0.011s)
which is consistent with the fact that it needs to do more work when
allocating a tty.

> Apart from the strange point (I) above... (shall I open a bug on this?)
> there is one "big" problem left:
> Whenever I use "-t" in the command execution step (that was (2) above) I
> first get the output from the script, e.g.:
>    # time /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe  -H -c check_load
>    OK - load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00|load1=0.000;15.000;30.000;0; load5=0.020;10.000;25.000;0; load15=0.000;5.000;20.000;0;
> but directly afterwards, ssh prints the following on stderr:
>    Shared connection to closed.
Call the client ssh with -q parameter to remove this diagnostic.

Best regards

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