Provide AcceptEnv variables to a Linux PAM module?

Ryan Cox ryan_cox at
Tue Oct 15 09:01:31 EST 2013

I've been looking for a while and can't figure out for sure if variables 
allowed by AcceptEnv are readable by a PAM module.  I looked through the 
openssh source code and found a few calls to pam_putenv(), which looks 
like the relevant call, but I don't see anything that would copy over 
AcceptEnv variables.  Am I correct that the variables are not available 
to PAM?  I'm guessing there are security implications to passing 
arbitrary variables through to PAM but is there some other way I can do so?

The reason I ask is because I'm working with the SLURM resource manager 
to monitor remote processes launched via ssh.  It's not perfect, but I'm 
using SendEnv and AcceptEnv to pass $SLURM_JOB_ID around.  I want to run 
a pam module or script that assigns sshd and its children to a 
particular cgroup (based on $SLURM_JOB_ID) using a slurm API call.  The 
best solution I have found seems to be calling a script from 
/etc/ssh/sshrc as the user (which can be negated by users creating 
~/.sshrc).  Is that the best option at the moment? Ideally we would do 
this in PAM as root but it doesn't seem possible for now.

Ryan Cox

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