Announce: OpenSSH 6.9 released

Philipp Marek philipp.marek at
Wed Jul 1 17:34:32 AEST 2015

> Future Deprecation Notice
> =========================
> The 7.0 release of OpenSSH, due for release in late July, will
> deprecate several features, some of which may affect compatibility
> or existing configurations. The intended changes are as follows:
>  * The default for the sshd_config(5) PermitRootLogin option will
>    change from "yes" to "no".
Uh, wouldn't "without-password" be a better alternative than "no"?

Getting the *first* authorized key on would still be "hard" (as in
"ssh user at ...", "su"|"sudo", "mkdir -m 0700 .ssh", "cat > .ssh/auth.."),
but at least *further* keys could be done via "ssh-copy-id".

I don't have any statistics handy, but I believe that public-key
root authentication is widely used.
(And sometimes needed - especially when something goes wrong,
needing to authenticate as a normal user is one more thing that
can go wrong - think NIS or LDAP failures, etc.)

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