Using two agents

Ángel González keisial at
Sun May 31 07:42:52 AEST 2015

On 30/05/15 15:00, Kasper Dupont wrote:
> This approach works as long as key1 is not encrypted:
> ssh-agent bash
> ssh-add key2
> ssh -i key1 -A server1
> But if key1 is encrypted it is highly inconvenient to have
> to type my password each time I connect to server1. It is
> also prone to phishing attacks, because when I type the ssh
> command, how can I really know if the password prompt I see
> is from ssh needing to decrypt key1 or from server1 trying
> to get my decryption password.

Have you considered launching a master process to server1 at
the beginning of the session?
That way, you will only need to provide the password for key1

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