OpenSSH 6.6 - DH_GEX group out of range: 1536 !< 1024 !< 8192 [I]

Alessandro Lomonaco alessandro.lomonaco at
Thu Feb 25 20:48:46 AEDT 2016

Classification: For internal use only

Hi all,

recently we've moved from OpenSSH 6.2 to OpenSSH 6.6. Since we moved we 
have got problems with some sftp connection.

When we connect to some hosts we receive this error:

DH_GEX group out of range: 1536 !< 1024 !< 8192 
Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer 

Our OS is:  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 

We've read that is a known issue:

We've tried to use this workaround: put in /etc/ssh_config this line:


It works for some sftp connection, but not all.

Can you help us ? Can you explains us why some connection work and other 
not ?

Kind regards,
Alessandro Lomonaco


Alessandro Lomonaco
Erptech S.p.A. | External Consultant

DB Consorzio S. Cons. a r. l.
GT Production EMEA
Piazza del Calendario, 3, 20126 Milano, Italy
Tel. +39 02 4024-3742
Email alessandro.lomonaco at


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