Kerberos + Openssh 6.7 issue in MacOS sierra

Angel Campoverde campoverdeangelf at
Sun Nov 6 04:58:09 AEDT 2016


I hope this is the right mailing list. I upgraded to Sierra and It came
with the new OpenSSH 6.7. When I try to get into a remote machine after
making the kerberos ticket I get:

/Users/angelcampoverde/.ssh/config: line 11: Bad configuration option:
/Users/angelcampoverde/.ssh/config: terminating, 1 bad configuration options

Which suggests that the line:

  GSSAPIAuthentication      yes

Is not supposed to be in the ~/.ssh/config file anymore. Without this line
I cannot use kerberos to authenticate, I'd have to use the password. Is
Kerberos not supported anymore beyond version 6.6? Is there a patch or a
new line that should be there in that file instead of that one?

Other people seem to have the same problem here:

and here:

No answer was given, so I assume this is not a trivial issue.


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