Allow SHA1 deprecation for rsa-sha

Nuno Gonçalves nunojpg at
Thu Apr 6 08:53:36 AEST 2017

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 12:29 AM, Damien Miller <djm at> wrote:
> 3) Support for RSA/SHA2 signatures is still incomplete, e.g. they aren't
>    usable with PKCS#11 tokens yet.

Could you please elaborate on what that means? I only use RSA keys
with PKCS11 tokens (OpenSC), and it works with SHA2.

> IMO users who want a stronger signature hash algorithm should use ed25519
> or one of the ECDSA methods for the time being. All of these use SHA2 hashes.

Exactly what I do, when I don't need to use a legacy key on a PKCS11 token...


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