CanonicalizeHostname reparsing and vendor options

Rob Foehl rwf at
Thu Feb 2 17:27:05 AEDT 2017

I've been trying to take advantage of CanonicalizeHostname, and run into 
an issue with its reparsing behavior and vendor-supplied options in system 
config files.  If a system config contains a stanza like this:

Host *
 	GSSAPIAuthentication yes

...there's now no way to set "GSSAPIAuthentication no" in any Host 
sections that only match the canonicalized hostname.

I've already found and 
concerning nearly the same problem, but I've got the additional wrinkle 
that I can't just change the "Host *" to "Match canonical all" and be done 
with it.  (Well, I could, but fixing every instance in every vendor config 
in perpetuity is fighting a losing battle...)

Have I missed some other way around this?  CanonicalizeHostname fixes a 
long-standing consistency headache, but I'm kinda stuck here.


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