Socket forwarding into non-existent directory on remote

Chris Coutinho chrisbcoutinho at
Thu Feb 7 02:14:30 AEDT 2019

Hi OpenSSH devs,

I'm trying to forward my local gpg-agent over ssh to a server to
decrypt files remotely by utilizing the AgentForwarding feature of
openssh. This worked well in the past when gnupg kept its sockets in a
users home directory, but since at least GnuPG 2.1.5 they are being
placed in /run/user/<uid>/gnupg/ on systems with systemd to align more
closely with systemd. This issue is that socket forwarding over ssh
fails because the target directory (on remote) doesn't exist

This issue was originally raised in 2016 on this mailing list;
however, besides some suggested patches, there wasn't any plan
committed to. I also can't find anything on this list regarding
gpg-agent and AgentForwarding

What is the current status of this issue from the point of view of
OpenSSH? Is this a problem OpenSSH should solve?


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